Paper industry news
APP Indonesia announces $50/tonne hike for all fine paper products domestically and overseas
JAKARTA, Indonesia, 5 July 2022 (Press Release) - Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) Indonesia has announced an immediate hike of $50/tonne in the price of its various fine paper grade products in the domestic market and overseas.
The price increase is driven by continuing increases in the price of pulp and other input costs including energy, chemicals etc. Increased demand with markets opening globally and lowering Covid restrictions are also driving the price hike.
APP aspires to meet the world's demand for quality paper products in a responsible and sustainable manner. Through research, technology, and innovation in business and resource management, APP can deliver sustainably-sourced tissue, packaging and paper products to more than 120 countries across the world.
From Fasmarkets RISI
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Lot 4, Road No. 15A, Tan Duc Industrial Park, Huu Thanh Commune, Duc Hoa District, Long An Province, Vietnam
Office: No. 68-70, B4 Street, Sala Residence, An Loi Dong Ward, District 2, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam
Paper Warehouse:
Tel: +84 28.3636.4828 | Fax: +84 28.3636.4881
Mobile: +84 917 39 46 56
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